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contact lenses

Kearney Eye Institute's contact lens department is a fully equipped eye lane and is staffed by specially trained contact lens technicians. Our technicians are trained to fit all types of lenses such as soft, toric, multifocal, bifocal, RGP, hybrid lenses and many others.

A good contact lens fitting starts with a comprehensive eye exam to ensure the most up-to-date prescription and to rule out any pre-existing conditions that could interfere with the wear of a contact. If you are a new patient to us and are currently wearing contacts, bring your current contact lens boxes with you to your exam. If you are wanting to try contacts, make sure to tell our customer support team so that they can schedule you with our contact lens technician the same day as your exam.

During a contact lens fitting our contact lens technician will meet with you and talk to you about your specific needs and wants in a contact. They will then determine the best contact for your specific lifestyle, eye shape, and fit of your eye.

In most cases the contact lens technician will then have you try on some contacts, and send you home with trial lenses so you can make your final decision on comfortability and vision quality throughout a couple days of wear.  In other cases, lenses will have to be specifically ordered for you and another appointment will be set up for a contact lens fitting. This fitting may take up to an hour depending on the type of appointment and if you have seen us for contacts before.

Once you and the contact lens technician are satisfied with the prescription, brand, and fit, a contact lens prescription can be finalized. Contact lens prescriptions are valid for one year after lens prescription is finalized.

Kearney Eye Institute is dedicated to researching the latest technology in contact lenses. We take pride in offering advanced contact lens to help you achieve the best quality vision possible.

Brands & Types


Bausch & Lomb



One-Day Wear Lenses - Contact lenses that you open fresh each day and throw away at the end of the day.

Two-Week Disposable Lenses - Contacts that can be worn for two weeks and then thrown away. These lenses must be taken out at night.

Planned Replacement Lenses - Non-extended wear contacts that you purchase in a one year supply. These lenses are replaced at one, two, three or four month intervals.

Extended or Continuous Wear Disposable Lenses - Contacts that are worn for one week or one month continuously depending on what is recommended by your doctor or contact lens technician.

Daily Wear Single Vision Lenses - Contacts that are worn every day and taken out every night. These lenses must be cleaned regularly and usually need to be replaced every six to twelve months.


The above lenses may be available in a variety of types. Listed below are the different types of lenses available on the market today.

Bifocal - Lenses that are designed to help people who need help with close up vision.

Toric - Lenses designed to correct astigmatism.

Mono-Vision - Non bifocal lenses to aid one eye in distance vision and one eye for near vision.


Some contact fits can be complex and may require several visits and lenses to find the optimal lens to provide you with your best vision and comfort.  Our technicians are dedicated to assist your fitting needs and to answer your questions.

If you have any questions please call our contact lens department at (308) 251-2264 or email us at [email protected], [email protected] or  [email protected] .

your vision, our mission


(308) 865-2760


411 West 39th St
Kearney, NE 68845


Mon-Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
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